AZERO.ID Decorative 3D Logo

Aleph Zero Validator

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The AZERO.ID Validator

Industrial-grade security

Industrial-grade security

100% Uptime

100% Uptime

Lowest fees

11% APY



Former military bunker in Switzerland. Protected against natural or human-caused catastrophes.

24/7 Monitoring

State-of-the-art Prometheus & Grafana monitoring stack


Active and passive redundancy with manual initialization.


Dedicated Bare-Metal-Server


AMD CPU Ryzen 7 5800X 8x3.8 GHz, 128 GB DDR4 RAM


2 TB NVMe SSD with RAID-10 fault tolerance.

How to stake

Step-by-step tutorial

Get started with staking on

The dedicated Aleph Zero Web Wallet ( is maintained by the core team of Aleph Zero. Users can import existing accounts, create new ones, or connect browser extensions. This interface offers many advanced functionalities and primarily targets more tech-savvy users.

Step-by-step tutorial

Step 1

Enter the staking page

Head over to the "Network" tab and select "Staking". This will open the staking menu of

Open staking page

Step 2

Staking page overview

This page displays your "stash" accounts, which are accounts involved in staking and bonded to specific validators. In our case there are no active stash accounts participating in staking. To begin staking, click on the "Nominator" button located in the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 3

Setup your nominator

A nominator is an account that nominates more than 2000 $AZERO to a single validator. To complete this step, you need two accounts: the "stash account" containing the funds you want to stake, and the controller account used to manage the stash account. requires the controller account as an added security measure for the staked funds. This ensures that only someone with access to both account's private keys can maliciously drain your funds. Make sure to have some $AZERO on the controller account to cover gas fees. Lastly, specify the bonding amount and the destination for staking rewards.

Step 4

Select the AZERO.ID validator

Type "AZERO.ID" in the search bar and select the AZERO.ID validator in the "candidate accounts" box. After selecting, it should be immediately displayed in the "nominated accounts" box. Now, you can continue and click on "Bond & Nominate" at the bottom right of the staking dialog.

Step 5

Sign the staking transaction

The final step in the process is to sign the transaction that initiates the staking of your funds. Simply click on "Sign and Submit". It is important to ensure that you have sufficient $AZERO in your stash account, which will be used to cover the fees associated with bonding. Also make sure the amount of $AZERO in your stash account exceeds the selected bonded amount.

Step 6

You just started staking!

Now that you have initiated the process, your coins will start participating in staking once the next staking era begins, which occurs approximately every 24 hours. As a new era starts, you will receive your first staking rewards directly into your wallet 🎉. Thanks for staking with AZERO.ID 🫡

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